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Pleasant Beach Donuts  Exclusively at The Marketplace in Pleasant Beach Village
Donuts. One of life’s simple pleasures that involves all five senses.
The heavenly scent of fresh, warm donuts; the classic pink bakery box that holds so much promise, and so many choices;  the waiting in line trying to decide if it will be an old-fashioned plain, or maple bar or maybe an apple fritter. Then there are the toppings – rich caramel-colored maple frosting, dark chocolate with sprinkles, or maybe a simple dusting of powdered sugar. The crinkle of the baker’s paper as each donut is carefully lifted from its nest among the other donuts in the case and dropped gently into a bag or box.


The moment you receive that donut you know you are about to enjoy the taste of comfort, happiness, and a little bit of joy delivered in every bite!



Pleasant Beach Donuts available fresh daily, Wednesday – Sunday 8:30am until they run out.

Standing Orders and Orders over 5 dozen please email us at

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